How To Prep For Your First Colonoscopy Procedure

Rick Hill
7 min readJul 12, 2019


I’ve only been under anesthesia to have my wisdom teeth removed and to repair two sports injuries in my 30s. Thus, I took to the internet to get a full run down of how to prepare and what to expect from my first colonoscopy.

The most common sentiment online and from friends center around the theme: “The prep is the worst part.”

Some posts had recommendations on how to make the prep less painful. However, there was not much depth on what actually happens on prep day or with the procedure.

Thus, I thought I would overshare my first person account (please stop reading now if you are have an aversion to the word bowel).

My family history is largely free of illness, although I do have an aunt who successfully recovered from colon cancer. However, my primary doctor didn’t feel the need to rush to get a colonoscopy since she is not immediate family.

My mom felt differently. Because she has earned veto power over any doctor I only see once every couple of years, I scheduled my colonoscopy a couple weeks after my 50th birthday. The date was far enough away where I could get my insurance in order, but but not too far in advance where it would hang over my head.

Everyone told me to have the procedure early morning on either a Monday or Friday. Since I thought it would be easier to control my diet during the week instead of over a weekend, I selected 8:30 a.m. on a Friday.

The common sentiment about planning your diet before the procedure is “the more you put in, the more that comes out” and “go all white foods” before you go all liquid.

Thus, I made the decision to stop eating meat five days prior and focus on frequent but light meals of pasta, rice, white bread, eggs, and mashed potatoes on Monday and Tuesday of colonoscopy week. I then switched to only eat melon, soup, and Jell-O on Wednesday (two days before the procedure).

My doctor told me not to eat red, blue, orange or green Jell-O. It would have been easier to just say only eat yellow Jell-O which is all that is left. So I feasted on pineapple and lemon.

I also bought baby wipes, ultra soft toilet paper, diaper rash cream, and Preparation H based on online advice.

Prep Day is the day leading into your colonoscopy where you are instructed to only have clear liquids.

While I appreciated the online recommendations for the best broth (Swanson’s Natural Goodness Chicken Broth for the win!), I wished there was more online to help me understand how an all liquid diet plus the bowel prep medicine would manifest itself.

Thus, here is my Prep Day timeline.

8:30 a.m. I had a bowl of chicken broth.

10:00 a.m. I drank a 24 ounce bottle of sparkling water as a I read carbonation makes you feel full.

10:30 a.m. I took a softer bowel movement than normal.

Noon: As prescribed, I drank the first of the two Bowel Prep medicines (there are 3–4 common prep meds, all with different instructions, so your results will vary). The reviews had ranged from pleasant to AWFUL to drink. I chilled both the prep and the water you added to it. Then, I drank it with a straw. It was not pleasant, but it wasn’t awful. As someone who has struggled to even take liquid cough syrup since I was a kid, the 16 ounces felt like 48 ounces.

1:18 p.m. I started feeling bloated thanks to the medicine and requirement to drink so much water after. So I walked briskly to my office bathroom (did I mention I was at work because no one told me how quickly the medicine would go through me). I sat on the toilet and had what I would call controlled diarrhea.

1:30 p.m. My stomach started rumbling so I went back to the bathroom and had a liquid bowel movement. I remember reading that you should bring a book or an iPad to the toilet. These episodes took seconds for me so maybe my diet was helping in that regard.

1:42 p.m. This bowel movement was straight liquid as was every one that followed. They all started with a rumble in my stomach, so by listening for that queue I had ample time to get to the toilet.

1:58 p.m. Another bowel movement. This time it was light brown.

The bowl movements at 2:09, 2:24, 2:52 3:05, 3:40 and 4:38 p.m. started out dark yellow and got lighter. If you do plan to be at work the day prior, schedule meetings at your own risk and wear tennis shoes as you will get in a lot of steps.

5:00 p.m. I drank some clear Gatorade and then gathered my stuff to leave work. I was happy that I brought the baby wipes, but I never used the diaper rash cream or Preparation H.

5:04 p.m. I walked out of our office toward the parking lot and then turned back around after 10 steps. Better safe than sorry, I used the restroom one more time to have another bowel movement.

5:40 p.m. At home, I had an almost all clear bowel movement.

6:30 p.m. I had a small bowl of beef broth. I didn’t like it as much as the chicken broth. While I had cravings for food all night (probably heightened since my family was eating bar-b-q), I wasn’t that hungry.

7:35 p.m. A now 100% clear bowel movement.

9:45 p.m. I dreaded having to drink the second of the two Bowel Prep medicines. This time I cut up a lemon and tried to finish the 16 ounces in four big gulps taking a break between each one to chew on a lemon slice. This was better than using a straw for me, but it still was far from pleasant.

10:09 p.m. After finishing the two bottles of water I was told to take after the Bowel Prep, I had another bowel movement basically passing that water.

My night consisted of seven trips to the toilet after midnight (which is the last time you are allowed to have any liquids). The timing was 12:32, 2:15, 4:30, 6:00, 6:05, and 6:35 a.m.

It was a long night, but there were no “accidents” and I felt the toughest part was over.

Colonoscopy Day

You can’t drive home after the anesthesia, so my wife planned to take me. However, she was called into a last minute must-attend meeting, so I took a Lyft to the clinic and arranged to have a friend to pick me up. Ironically, the first driver had cardboard boxes as floor mats, so maybe she knew there was a chance I didn’t have complete control of my bowels.

7:30 a.m. I arrived at the clinic as scheduled an hour prior to the procedure and filled out some additional paperwork. Then, I used the bathroom one last time. If you are keeping track, this was visit #22 in the last 22 hours. That’s much higher than I would have guessed, but my total bathroom time was an equally surprising 30 minutes.

7:40 a.m. The nurse called me back to answer some questions and take my vitals. She told, “Don’t worry if your blood pressure is elevated. That is normal when you are having a procedure.” To that point, I wasn’t nervous but her use of the term “procedure” made me a little apprehensive.

7:50 a.m. I was moved to curtained off area and put on my gown. My clothes all went in bag that went under the bed. Then, I got a run down of the “procedure” from another nurse and the anesthesiologist.

8:10 a.m. After I’m given an IV, the nurse wheeled me into the procedure room and I met the doctor. I’m asked to then turn over to left side and the anesthesiologist tells me to count down from 10. I only remember getting to 7.

8:42 a.m. I woke up in the recovery room. The doctor told me everything looked good, handed me some way too invasive photos capturing my polyp free colon, and said I don’t need to do this again for another 10 years. I didn’t feel groggy, but I did tell the 40ish year-old male doctor “Yes ma’am.”

9 a.m. I climbed into a wheelchair and the nurse took me out to my friend’s car. I’m told no driving or alcohol the rest of the day, and they will call Monday to ask how I feel.

9:15 a.m. I’m dropped off at my house a little hungry, a little light headed and with very little sensation that I even had the procedure.

Like with most online accounts, the prep was not fun. However, the actual procedure was simple and left me with an appreciation for those with more difficult medical challenges.

My anxiety came from the unknown. While I’m sure you didn’t want the colorful play-by-play on my last 22 bowel movements, I hope you have a better idea of what to expect when you get your first colonoscopy.

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Rick Hill
Rick Hill

Written by Rick Hill

Rick spent six years working at the San Antonio Spurs. He is now VP of Marketing at the Valero Alamo Bowl and an adjunct professor at Trinity University.

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